Monday, May 5, 2014

The United States and capitalism; it's just another failed form of economic system

The irony is that under a close analysis, and using some basic common sense anyone would realize that the United States has a failed form of socioeconomic system in every way – and a socioeconomic system that is in very deep trouble and: "It's nothing to write home about."

At the end of the day this is what is behind all these revolutions that have been going on in the Middle East, and in other parts of the world. They have the appearance of being about democracy, but the truth is: these revolutions are strategically planed and staged events.

It's interesting to watch these videos, because they were made 2 and 3 years ago, and we can see what some people were thinking about the color revolution in the Ukraine at that time, and also the democratic revolution in Egypt; when the population elected Mohamed Morsi president of Egypt – a government that didn't last long - from June 30, 2012 to July 3, 2013 - when he was removed by a military coup d'etat.

The regime change worked really well in Egypt, and now after a new coup d'etat by the military government supported by the United States, they are having a purge of the democratically elected people in Egypt, and they are going to execute almost 1,200 people to make a point - that all the democracy talk was just a game for suckers, and after the dust settled it resulted in nothing.

On March 24, 2014, Amnesty International reported that more than 500 people were sentenced to death in Egypt. Today’s mass death sentences handed down by an Egyptian court are a grotesque example of the shortcomings and the selective nature of Egypt's justice system, Amnesty International said.

According to state media reports, in a single hearing this morning, the Minya Criminal Court sentenced 529 supporters of former President Mohamed Morsi to be executed for their alleged role in violence following his ousting in July last year.

On April 28, 2014 Egypt sentenced another 683 people to death in latest mass trial of dissidents. Families were distraught in Egypt after a judge sentenced 683 alleged supporters of the country's ousted Islamist president to death.

This fellow on this video claims that he helped organize successful revolutions in many countries, including Tunisia, Egypt, Georgia, and Ukraine. And he is involved in organizing a revolution in 37 countries which must include Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Kuwait, Bahrain, Jordan, Syria, and many African countries.

I would not be surprised to find out that this fellow and his organization is also creating trouble in Brazil, and Argentina.

It's obvious he is getting his funding from people in the United States, including the CIA, and just God knows who else.

You don't need to be a rocket scientist to figure out, that this fellow is also organizing some kind of trouble for the United States.

If you check the funding of his organization, you might find out the name of Americans who wants "Regime Change" in the old USA.

Follow the money!!!!!

Now the Ukraine is in play again, and probably this time around the country will end up with a very destructive civil war.

And the sad thing is that all these poor people never grasped what is at the core of the real game that is being played.


The United States, the CIA and its plan for regime change around the world:
The Revolution Business around the World

Does the USA sponsor revolutions? - June 9, 2011

Time: 28 min.

The Revolution Business, 2011 - Consultants are helping people countries like Ukraine and Egypt build a foundation of knowledge in order to start revolutions.


The United States decided that it's its business to go around the world destabilizing all kinds of countries to implement regime change.

I guess Americans would not mind if many groups from around the world decided to do the same thing here inside the United States.

I guess the concept of “regime change” can work both ways.

Besides, the United States has a wonderful and very successful track record accumulated over the years of implementing “regime change” in many countries around the world such as in Vietnam, Chile, Argentina, Nicaragua, Cuba, Venezuela, Guatemala, Honduras, Colombia, Afghanistan, Iraq, Iran, Egypt, Libya, Haiti, Somalia, and now the Ukraine, and so on....


Exporting Revolution: The Dangerous Game of Regime Change – February 1, 2012

Revolutionary fever has spread across the Middle East, but was what seemed like spontaneous uprisings actually a series of strategically planned events? Serbian revolutionaries are now helping to train activists all across the globe, exporting revolution advice to countries where the West has a clear interest. Their own revolution was carried out with the guidance and aid of Western advisers. The lead role was taken by the State Department and the U.S. Agency for International Development. Activists involved in the Color Revolutions and the Arab Spring received help and training from their contemporaries in post-Communist Europe.

Known as Otpor (now CANVAS), some of the people involved in the Serbian youth movement that helped overthrow Slobodan Milosevich are now exporting their expertise across the world. So has revolution become a product? A commodity? Something that can be branded, packaged and exported all across the globe? And if so, what are the consequences for the US? The business of exporting revolutions and fermenting regime change is a dangerous one... so buyer and seller might want to beware.


Why the United States wants to promote its failed form of socioeconomic system to other countries around the world?

But here is what the naïve people from around the world are not being told, and for some reason they can't figure it out by themselves:

The talk about “regime change”, democracy, and American form of capitalism, it's just a front to set up countries to be pillaged of everything in sight that they have of any value.

You don't need to look any further than what happened in Argentina, Libya, Iraq, Greece, and so on...

And today, there are many countries that are being set up for future major pillage such as in Ukraine, Venezuela, Brazil and many African countries.

Maybe because the people from around the world have watched too many movies made by Hollywood over the years, and through these movies the US have been able to create an image of the United States of a country being almost a paradise: The “Father Knows Best” image and “It's a Wonderful Life”.

Not only people want to come to the United States to experience this illusory “American Dream”, but they also are naïve enough to believe that if they follow American Democracy Style, and free market capitalism, then everything will be wonderful.

If the American system is so great that Americans think that this great system deserve to be spread around the world, then here are some obvious questions that nobody is asking about the United States systems.

If the United States socioeconomic system is supposed to be so attractive, then why in reality the system is in such a deplorable state of decline?

1) The US has 2.3 million people in prison and about 10 million more on parole.

2) The US has an educational system that is designed for a world of 100 years ago.

3) A healthcare system that is in complete shambles.

4) If you have the chance of watch this program, then you will realize that the United States is becoming at an alarming rate a 3rd world country. If you pay attention the signs are all around us.

The Crumbling of America – History Channel - April 9, 2011

In a Nutshell:

In the United States, the country that claims that capitalism is the best economic system in the world, they don't have a clue about what to do to stop the imploding US economic and financial system.

Look how PATHETIC the US capitalist system really is...They can't even connect the dots...And Americans want to sell all the time, its form of capitalist system to the rest of the world as "the greatest thing since the invention of sliced bread."

How Pathetic?

1) They have over US$ 2 trillion dollars siting in the sidelines waiting for investment opportunities

2) They have had an artificial interest rate close to zero for years

3) The US economy has been operating at 80 percent capacity

4) The real unemployment rate in the US is over 20 percent, and over 50 percent of unemployed Americans have at least a college degree.

5) And here is the hardest part of the equation to figure out, because isn't so obvious: this supposed very efficient capitalist system has done nothing over a long period of time, and today the United States has a “Crumbling Infrastructure” similar to the infrastructure of a “Banana Republic” that needs at least US$ 3 trillion dollars just to repair the crumbling current infrastructure, and never mind investment in new infrastructure for the US economic and financial system to be able to survive in the 21st century.

This PATHETIC situation has been going on for many years, and Americans are completely clueless about how to fix their fast declining economic system.

The US has a very powerful lobbying system that makes it impossible to change things, because the powerful groups want to keep their old gigs going on; if it makes sense or not in the world of the 21st century – that's why the US economic and financial system is collapsing in slow motion.

The system would have had a total collapse by now just like the Soviet Union system a few years ago, if the US dollar wasn't the main world reserve currency.

I hate to tell you this, but nobody knows what is going to happen when we have the coming US dollar meltdown, because we never had a similar situation in the world like we have today.

At the end of the day, the massive over $ 700 trillion US dollar derivatives market, it's just a gigantic Ponzi scheme that can explode at any time.

To put things in perspective the total world GDP for 2013 was estimated to be $ 70 trillion US dollars.

The clowns from Wall Street, and in the UK leveraged the entire world economy at least 10 times.

And their financial system are hiding trillions of US dollars in toxic assets as long as they can get away with it, but like every Ponzi scheme at one point the entire system collapses.


My suggestion:

I suggest that Barack Obama should create a new “Infrastructure Development Bank” with a budget of US$ 5 trillion dollars, and a 5-year plan.

I understand the United States doesn't do 5-year plans, since the mindset in the United States is stuck in an age long gone – but all major economies that the US has to compete with around the world, they have a 5-year plans, to give some direction for people to make the necessary investments in that country.

For some strange reason Americans think that the free market economics and the invisible hand would take care of things.

These concepts aren't working, and all you have to do is look around at the crumbling US infrastructure throughout the old USA.

Hello, the lights are on, but is anybody home?

I have been advocating for over 14 years that the United States government should make a massive investment in infrastructure in the US.

Here is what I posted at the Elite Trader forum in August 2005:

My screen name at the ET forum is: SouthAmerica

Elite Trader Forum

What is a better US Government investment for the Future - Military Spending or Infrastructure
By Ricardo C. Amaral

August 18, 2005

SouthAmerica: Long before 9/11 I have been advocating on my writings that the United States should spend less money in military spending and the money should go instead into building and up-dating the infrastructure of the American economy.

You can read on the following website where, in my opinion, the US government should be investing its scarce resources:

American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE)

2013 Report Card for America's Infrastructure (ASCE)


American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE)

ASCE has given America's infrastructure a "D+". The 2013 Report Card for America's Infrastructure provides a comprehensive look at America's infrastructure conditions across sixteen categories. To learn more about where our country's needs lie and how you can be part of the solution, please visit
The American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) publish an annual report card about the state of the infrastructure of the Unite States.

You can go to the ASCE web site and see a copy of the latest report.


Besides the above areas of investment the US government should invest on a new generation of Shuttles with state-of-art-technologies and know how, and should send to museums the current fleet of Shuttles, because these Shuttles represent technologies on an age long gone.

The US government also should help cities around the country to wire itself with state-of-the-art high speed Broadband technology.

PLEASE stop wasting money on wars that the US can’t win, and instead invest the money wisely in a way that will help many American generations in the future.


As Americans are wasting a ton of money to try to project the illusion of military power around the world – the other major economies around the world are not wasting time and money, instead they are investing its resources more wisely to help develop and support their economies of the future.

Note: Today the American infrastructure is decaying so fast that it is like a bad joke.


Here are 10 things the United States can do to try to “EARN” the respect from people from around the world:

1) Stop putting your nose on everybody's business around the world.

2) Stop pretending that United States have a social and economic system superior to other countries, when in reality the United States has a system that is bankrupt and obsolete.

3) Stop manipulating your stock market and financial system.

4) Renounce your failed social system of repression of peoples freedoms – the United States has 2.3 million people in prison and about 10 million more on parole.

5) Stop pretending that the United States isn't a socialist country when the US government has a total budget that is twice the GDP of the entire Brazilian economy.

6) Stop attacking and looting the assets of countries from around the world

7) Stop exporting the financial Ponzi schemes of the US Zombie banks and financial organizations, and other fraudulent financial schemes to countries around the world.

8) Cease your pathetic, and constant whining about your lost of prestige, and influence in South America, and around the world.

9) Stop preaching about democracy and free market economic system around the world, when the United States is nothing more than an Oligarchy, that operates an artificial and heavily manipulated economic and financial system.

10) Stop pretending that the United States is a rich country, when the reality is that the United States has almost US$ 18 trillion dollars in cumulative debt, and there is another US$ 200 trillion dollars in the pipeline of liabilities that are coming due.

And the US population is also heavily in debt, up to their eyeballs.

Moral of the story:

The party is over for the United States as a superpower. The US economic and financial system has reached the end of the line. And the special status that the US dollar had all this time as a major reserve currency is also in a process of dying a quick death.

Copyright © 2014 by Ricardo C. Amaral - All rights reserved.


Ricardo C. Amaral
Author and economist

He can be reached at:


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